Additional Opportunities for MBA Students Fellowships & Scholarships

Stanford Graduate School of Business Fellowships

The GSB receives support from individuals, foundations, and corporations for a variety of fellowship funds. These fellowships are available to all international and US financial aid applicants based on need—not merit.

"Need" for fellowship purposes is defined as the school budget minus assets, income, contributions from parents, friends and/or employers, and outside fellowships. We consider both liquid and non-liquid assets.

We can not consider loans (except forgivable loans) when determining fellowship need.

Outside Fellowships

Private agencies and organizations offer a variety of need- and non-need-based scholarships, grants, and fellowships to MBA students. We encourage you to investigate outside sources to help reduce your debt load. If you receive an outside fellowship greater than $10,000, your GSB fellowship will be reduced. The reduction is not dollar for dollar, however, so it is well worth your time to seek outside aid. Loans are only reduced if your aid exceeds the cost of attendance.

  • Siebel Scholars Program
    At the end of the first year, five students are selected for the Siebel Scholars Program, which recognizes top academic achievement, leadership, and citizenship within the Business School community and includes a $35,000 tuition award.
  • GSB Internship Program
    The Stanford Management Internship Fund (SMIF) provides fellowships to MBA students who work in qualifying nonprofits or the government during the summer between your first and second years.
  • Entrepreneurial Summer Program (ESP)
    The Entrepreneurial Summer Program, managed by the Center for Entrepreneurial Studies, is aimed at GSB students working at an entrepreneurial company as a summer intern.
  • Social Innovation Fellowship
    The Social Innovation Fellowship is a pilot program for graduating Stanford MBAs (classes of 2009, 2010, and 2011) who have a well-defined vision for a new social venture and are ready to dedicate the year after graduation to launching that venture as a nonprofit organization.